Saturday, October 24, 2020

Amish Christmas Twins


Christmas, Holiday, General Fiction, Romance
304 Pages
Published September 29, 2020 by Kensington Publishing

Shelley Shepard Gray
When the foster parents they've cautiously grown to love discover they're expecting, orphaned Roy and Jemima Fisher, ages six and seven, are secretly devastated by the certainty they'll be given up. With Christmas around the corner, their only wish is for new foster parents as nice as Mr. and Mrs. Kurtz. Meanwhile, the Kurtzes have wishes of their own--and with faith, they all may be gifted with twice the blessings.

Rachel J. Good
Still grieving the loss of her husband and unborn baby in an accident several months ago, Elizabeth Yoder is oblivious to her neighbor Luke Bontrager's deepening affection for her. But while she bleakly faces Christmas alone, it's Luke who reminds her it's the season for giving. And when Elizabeth donates her handmade baby clothes to New Beginnings, a home for teen moms, she soon finds her gifts repaid beyond measure, with Luke's love--and new beginnings of their own.

Loree Lough
What happens when two secretive, stubborn people find themselves thrown together to help four rascally youngsters--twins times two!--create a Christmas surprise for their parents? Mischief and mayhem, and just maybe . . . love!

My Thoughts:
I really enjoyed these novellas. I was looking for something uplifting, where I wouldn’t have to wince at the language or skip over the sex scenes. This book fit those requirements. I can probably count on one hand how many books I’ve read that fall under the Amish category, but I am going to seek out more books by these authors. It was a heartwarming and happy read. During the last two stories I was a little frustrated and thought “Just talk to each other already!” But what romance is complete without a little angst?

A big thank you to the authors, #NetGalley and #KensingtonPublishing for providing a free Advance Reader Copy. This is my honest opinion.

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